Lakeland & District CC 18/6/22
Usual M: Gr/BOB - Hacker Quessi Ella – owned by Nathan Gilbert/bred by non-member
Usual F: CC/BOB w/h – Somantikks Supatoft Tiramisu – owned by Brenda Horsley/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual M: Gr/BOB - Hacker Quessi Ella – owned by Nathan Gilbert/bred by non-member
Usual F: CC/BOB w/h – Somantikks Supatoft Tiramisu – owned by Brenda Horsley/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual F: Best Somali Adult/Imp/BOB – GrCh Somantikks Jorja Dreamin – owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual F: Best Overall Somali/Best Somali Neuter/Oly/BOB – OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley
AC Silver F: Imp/BOB – ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member
Usual F: Gr/BOB – Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant (made up to Grand Champion!)
AOC M: Gr w/h(CNH)/BOB - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
Usual M: PC/BOB Tajyra Mouskateer Minimee - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barbara Pointing
AC SH F: Res Imp/BOB – GrPr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barbara PointingUsual F: Imp/BOB – GrCh Somantikks Jorja Dreamin – owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual F: BOB/BOVs2 Neuter/Overall BOVs2 – OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda HorsleyAC Silver F: BOB – ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member
*please note that the seminar is now cancelled
Details on this link:
AGM 2022Adults
Usual M: CC/BOB - Hacker Quessi Ella – owned by Nathan Gilbert/bred by non-member
F: Res Imp – GrCh Somantikks Jorja Dreamin – owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
Gr – Ch Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant
AOC M: Gr & BOB w/h - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
Usual F: BOB – OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley
AC Silver F: Gr Pr/BOB – ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member (made up to IGCh & GPr!)
AC SH F: Imp/BOB – GrPr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barb Pointing
7/5/22 – Central All Breed CC
Usual M: CC - Hacker Quessi Ella – owned by Nathan Gilbert/bred by non-member
F: Res Imp/BOB – GrCh Somantikks Jorja Dreamin – owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
Gr – Ch Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant
AOC M: Gr & BOB w/h - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
Usual F: BOB – OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley
AC SH F: Res Imp/BOB – GrPr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barb Pointing
AOC F: CC/BOB - Vanregel’s Twix – owned by Clive Greatorex/bred by Annelies van Wamel (made up to Champion)
24/4/22 – Bedford CC
AOC F: CC/BOB - Vanregel’s Twix – owned by Clive Greatorex/bred by Annelies van Wamel
Usual F: CC/BOB – Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant (made up to Champion!)
2nd - Newleaf Millie – owned/bred by Carol Hack
3rd – Brizlincoat Pumpkin – owned by Brenda Horsley/bred by Di Taylor
AC Silver M: CC & BOB w/h – Supatoft Pol Roger – owned/bred by Brenda Horsley
AOC M: Gr - BOB w/h - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
AC SH F: Res Imp/BOB – GrPr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barb Pointing
SH M: Res Gr Pr/BOB – Ch & Pr Brizlincoat Lightening – owned by Tracy Forrest & Shannon Murphy/bred by Di Taylor
10/4/22 – London CC
AOC F: Gr & BOB w/h – Ch Sasaatn Cream Cracker – owned/bred by Linzey Friend
10/4/22 – Essex CC
AOC F: Gr & BOB w/h – Ch Sasaatn Cream Cracker – owned/bred by Linzey Friend
The Somali Cat Club has conributed £500 to the cause
11.00am AGM
The AGM will be brief as we will be concentrating on the seminar.
11.30am Seminar
The seminar will focus on silvers, both type and colours.
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Seminar resumes
3.00 Close Members are cordially invited and there is no charge but non-members will be charged £5. We hope to see you many of you there.Adults
Usual F: CC/BOB – Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant
2nd – Brizlincoat Pumpkin – owned by Brenda Horsley/bred by Di Taylor
3rd - Newleaf Millie – owned/bred by Carol Hack
AC Silver M: CC/BOB – Supatoft Pol Roger – owned/bred by Brenda Horsley
AOC M: Gr&BOB w/h - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
AC SH F: CC/BOB – Tajura Finzi – owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barbara Pointing
Sorrel M: PC&BOB w/h – Tagher Cornelius – owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Sue & Alan Cooney
AC SH F: Gr/BOB – Pr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barbara Pointing
Usual F: CC/BOB/BOV Somali Adult – Baranchri Nar Nia – owned/bred by Barbara & Chris Bullivant
2nd - Newleaf Millie – owned/bred by Carol Hack
3rd – Brizlincoat Pumpkin – owned by Brenda Horsley/bred by Di Taylor
AC Silver M: CC/BOB – Supatoft Pol Roger – owned/bred by Brenda Horsley
AOC M: Gr/BOB - Ch Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Barbara & Chris Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel
AC SH F: CC/BOB – Tajura Finzi – owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barb Pointing (made up to Champion)
Neuters Sorrel M: PC/BOB– Tagher Cornelius – owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Sue & Alan Cooney
AC SH F: Gr/BOB/BOV Somali Neuter/BIS Somali/Overall BIS – Pr Tajura Mousekateer Amadea - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barb Pointing (made up to Grand Premier)
Usual F: Imp/BOB – Gr Ch Somantikks Jorja Dreamin - owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
AC Silver F: Gr/BOB – Ch Somantikks Abracadabra – owned/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual M: PC - Somantikks Raffles – owned by Eve Comer/bred by Lorraine Burns
Usual F: Olympian/BOB/BOV s2 Neuter- OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley
AC Silver F: Gr/BOB - ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member
AOC F: CC/BOB - Vanregel’s Twix – owned by Clive Greatorex/bred by Annelies van Wamel
Gr w/h – Ch Sasaatn Cream Cracker – owned/bred by Linzey Friend
AOC M: Van Regel's Montelimar – owned by Barbara Bullivant/bred by Annlies van Wamel - CC/BOB (made up to Champion) Neuters
AC SH F: Pr Tajura Mouskateer Amadea - owned by N Daniel /bred by B Pointing – Grand/BOB
AC Silver F: Tajura Finzi - owned by Nadine Daniel/bred by Barbara Pointing – PC/BOB
AC Silver F: Somantikks Mystical Moonshine – owned by Linzey Friend/bred by Lorraine Burns - CC /BOB (made up to Champion)
AOC F: Ch Sasaatn Cream Cracker – owned/bred by Linzey Friend – Grand/BOB
Usual M: Somantikks Private Hudson – owned by Emily Butler & Alex Wilkins/bred by Lorraine Burns – PC
Usual F: OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley – Olympian/BOB
AC Silver M: Ch & Pr Somantikks Hoban Washburne - owned by Emily Butler & Alex Wilkins/bred by Lorraine Burns – Grand/BOB
AC Silver F: ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member – Grand
Usual F: OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley – BOB
AC Silver F: ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member – BOB
8/1/22 – Eastern LH, SLH & All Breed Show
Usual F: OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley – Reserve Olympian/BOB
AC Silver F: ImpGrCh & Pr I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member – BOB
13/11/21 – Cumberland CC
AOC F: Vanregel’s Twix – owned by Clive Greatorex/bred by Annelies van Wamel – 1st/BOB
14/8/21 – GCCF Celebration Show
Usual F: GrCh Baranchri Yasashani – owned/bred by Chris & Barbara Bullivant – Imperial x 2/BOB (made up to Imperial)
AOC M: Vanregel’s Montelimar – owned by Chris & Barbara Bullivant/bred by Annelies van Wamel – CC x 2/BOB AOC F: Sasaatn Cream Cracker – owned/bred by Linzey Friend - CC x 2 (made up to Champion)
AOC F: Vanregel’s Twix – owned by Clive Greatorex/bred by Annelies van Wamel – 1st x 2, BOB, & Best of Variety SLH Kitten!!
Usual F: OG ImpGrCh & ImpGrPr Supatoft Somantix Tygalily – owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by Brenda Horsley – BOB
AC Silver M: Ch & Pr Somantikks Hoban Washburne - owned by Emily Butler & Alex Wilkins/bred by Lorraine Burns – BOB AC Silver F: ImpGrCh I’Opale de la Cornaline - owned by Lorraine Burns/bred by non-member – PC x 2