The Somali Cat Club was formed in 1981 and has approximately 150 members.

The Club has as its aims:

  • to safeguard the well-being of Somali cats and promote the purity of the breed
  • to stimulate and encourage improvement in type and colour
  • to work for a much wider appreciation of Somalis
  • to provide information for members
  • to guarantee classes and provide trophies at shows supported by the club

As a member of the club you will receive:

  • Free annual Journal
  • Special Classes at Championship Shows (where accepted)
  • Reduced entry fees at the Somali Cat Club Championship Show
  • Special rosettes for cats gaining titles
  • Standard of Points, pedigree forms, stud lists, kitten notes, information leaflets - all at nominal prices

The Somali Cat Club has a Welfare & Rescue Service and will help any Somalis who have fallen on hard times.

Most years the Club holds a Seminar where judges, breeders and exhibitors gather together to discuss a particular aspect of Somalis, eg colour, type.

This is preceded by a lunch and is a good opportunity to meet and talk to others interested in the breed.

Our Annual General Meeting is usually held in the summer months. Once again this is very much a social as well as a business occasion. Every other year the club holds a seminar on Somali cats.


All comments/actions made by paid up members of the Somali Cat Club (including serving officers of the Club’s Committee), shall be deemed to be personal comments/actions of the individual(s) concerned, and no liability whatsoever will be accepted by the Club, its members or officers, unless such comments/actions are made by serving officers of the Committee, and are expressly stated (in writing) to be made on behalf of the Club.