2021 Somali Cat Club Calendar now available!

Somali Calendar 2021, in memory of Mrs Emma Watts, now ready to order, all profits to Somali Welfare and Rescue Uk. £9.50 inc. p&p. Please e mail Barbara Pointing at tajura@live.co.uk with your order giving name and address. Payment by PayPal to Barbara's email address using payment to friends and family

Emma’s funeral 15/06/20

The funeral of Emma Watts will take place privately at Gloucester Crematorium on Monday 15th June but sadly, due to the current restrictions, it is by invitation only. Sean has requested family flowers only but donations in her memory can be sent to the Somali Cat Welfare Trust – details from alison@lyall.uk

A message for all Somali Breeders Worldwide


I am writing to you all as Secretary of The Somali Cat Club. We are at present where ever you are in the world living with unprecedented conditions. I am going to do a Boris Johnson and advise certain actions I hope that you will pay attention to the advice offered and the reasons behind it.

I advise for the present you do not mate your queens, stud owners should not accept outside queens for mating. Obviously there are kittens already born and some quite literally in the pipeline but breeders in this position had no idea what was facing us this month and beyond.

People visiting to view kittens and meet your cats can no longer happen in the UK until restrictions are lifted and that may be the case for many weeks to come. Every visitor you have is a potential risk to your health and therefore a risk if you should fall ill who will look after your cats?

The economy is in tatters, people will lose jobs and their finances will be significantly reduced therefore the sales of kittens will plummet. When selling a kitten please be vigilant and make sure it is a forever home the baby is going to. I know that some breeders may find they have older kittens still waiting to be homed and this may give temptation to sell to people who are not suitable. It may even be a problem to get routine vaccination completed as vets will concentrate on emergency work only.

I am concerned that there will be an upsurge in welfare cases and the Somali Welfare Trust will only be able to cope with the most deserving cases. I urge you to act responsibly and suspend breeding for a while to prevent a backlog of kittens as the welfare of our cats and kittens is paramount.

The Somali Cat Club has always led the way and this situation is something none of us have ever experienced. I hope that other clubs and breeders will follow our example. In the meantime please all stay safe and keep in touch with each other either by phone or in the modern world of technology.

Best wishes to all Di Taylor Hon Sec SCC


The Somali Cat Club committee have taken the difficult decision to cancel this month's show, which was to be held on 21st.

In light of the escalating issues araound the Coronavirus COVID-19, it was felt only right that we do not place our exhibitors, members, committee or the general public at any additional risk during this time of uncertainty.

We are saddened to have to cancel the show but hope everyone understands and hopefully we will have the chance to put on a wonderful show for 2021.

First shows of 2020 and a Best Overall SLH win for a Somali!

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Results from the joint shows: Capital LH All Breed show and Eastern LH & SLH & All Breed show

Congratulations to the following:


CH Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Grand Champion certificate & Best of Breed in both shows

Somantikks Mystical Moonshine, owned by Linzey Friend & owned by Lorraine Burns, won a Champion certificate & Best of Breed in both shows


Somantikks Abracadabra, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won first & Best of Breed in both shows

Sasaatn Cream Cracker, owned & bred by Linzey Firend, won first & Best of Breed in both shows


OGIGRCH&IGRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won Best of Breed in both shows and won Best Overall SLH (section 2) in the Eastern LH & SLH & All Breed Show

Results from the Maidstone & Medway show 21 December 19 and a Best of Variety win!

Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH I'Opale de la Cornaline, owned by Lorraine Burns, won Best of Breed

Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed

GRCH Somantikks Razzledazzle won Best of Breed in the National

CH Sasaatn Stardust Toffifee, owned & bred by Linzey Friend, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed in both shows


Somantikks Abracadabra, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed

Adsepsi Petel won a first and Best of Breed


OGIGRCH&IGRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won an Olympian certificate, Best of Breed and Best SLH Neuter (section 2) in Show

Somantikks Hoban Washburne, owned by Emily Butler & Alex Wilkins & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Premier certificate and Best of Breed

National Show and Colourpoint All Breed Show December 7th - Somali results

Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH I'Opale de la Cornaline, owned by Lorraine Burns, came fifth in the Olympian in the National and Best of Breed in the Colourpoint show

Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed in both shows

GRCH Somantikks Razzledazzle won Best of Breed in the National

CH Sasaatn Stardust Toffifee, owned & bred by Linzey Friend, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed in both shows


Sasaatn Cream Cracker, owned & bred by Linzey Friend, won a first and Best of Breed in both shows


OGIGRCH&IGRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won an Olympian certificate in the National and Best of Breed in both shows

Somantikks Hoban Washburne, owned by Emily Butler & Alex Wilkins & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Premier certificate and Best of Breed in the National

Results from the Cheshire Show, November 19

Congratulations to the following Somalis:


GRCH Baranchri Yasashani, owned & bred by Barbara Bullivant, won Best of Breed

Tagher Noisette, owned & bred by Barbara Bullivant, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed

Supatoft Scintilla, owned & bred by Brenda Horsley, won a Champion certificate

GRCH Supatoft Silver Lining, owned & bred by Brenda Horsley, won Best of Breed


UKOSIGRCH & UKIGRCH Supatoft Sonya, owned by Carol Hack & bred by Brenda Horsley, won reserve Olympian and Best of Breed

Baranchri Forbidden Fruit, owned & bred by Barbara Bullivant, won a Premier certificate and Best of Breed

Tajura Mousekateer Amadea, owned by Nadine Daniel & bred by Barbara Pointing, won a Premier certificate and Best of Breed

A good day out at the 2019 Supreme Show for Somalis!

Congratulations to the following Somalis at the Supreme Show October 2019:


IGRCH Supatoft Serendipity, owned & bred by Brenda Horsley, won a UK Grand certificate and Best of Breed

GRCH Brizlincoat Hurricane Higgins, owned by Brenda Horsley and bred by Di Taylor, won an Imperial certificate

CH Brizlincoat Modesty Blaise, owned by Carol Hack & bred by Di Taylor, won a Grand Champion certificate

CH Supatoft Silver Lining, owned & bred by Brenda Horsley, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Newleaf Hugo, owned by Mr & Mrs Trousdale & bred by Carol Hack, won a first and Best of Breed


OGIGRCH&IGRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won a UK Grand certificate and Best of Breed

PR Somantikks Liquorice Twist, owned by Sarah Wood and bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Grand Premier certificate

CH&IGRPR Emanan Bootstrap Bill, owned & bred by Emma Watts, won a UK Grand certificate and Best of Breed

GRCH&GRPR Supatoft Somantikksjazzmyn, owned by Lorraine Burns and bred by Brenda Horsley, won an Imperial certificate

IGRPR Brizlincoat Silver Minuet, owned by Vix Rose and bred by Di Taylor, won second in the UK Grand class and Best of Breed

Results from the Kentish Show 19/10/19

Congratulations to the following:


CH Sasaatn Stardust Toffifee, owned & bred by Linzey Friend, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Somantikks Mystical Moonshine, owned by Linzey Friend & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed

Vanregel's Nutella, owned and bred by Annelise Van Wamel & Gwen Francis, won a first and Best of Breed

Tabby Show results 12/10/19

Congratulations to the following:


Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed

CH Brizlincoat Starlight, owned & bred by D Taylor, won a Grand Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Brizlincoat Loveinmist, owned & bred by Di Taylor, won a first and Best of Breed

Somantikks Abracadabra, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed


OGIGRCH&GRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won Best of Breed

CH&IGRPR Emanan Bootstrap Bill, owned & bred by Emma Watts, won an Olympian certificate and Best of Breed

Another successful show day for Somalis at the South Western show 28/09/19 with two Best of Variety SLH wins!

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Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH I'Opale de la Cornaline, owned by Lorraine Burns, won Best of Breed and third in the Olympian

Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Somantikks Abracadabra, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed and also won Best of Variety SLH (section2) Kitten


OGIGRCH&GRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won a Reserve Olympian certificate, Best of Breed and Best of Variety SLH (section2) Neuter

GRPR Emanan Nanuq, owned by Debbie Morrison & bred by Emma Watts, won a Reserve Imperial certificate and Best of Breed

PR Somantikks Oliver-Twist, owned by Kat Kujawska and bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Grand Champion certificate

PR Baranchri Grecian Goddess, owned by Debbie Morrison and bred by Barbara Bullivant, won a first

Somantikks Firecracker, owned by Lisa & Tim Haynes and bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Premier certificate

A wonderful day for Somalis at the Asian Group Cat Society Show 21/09/19 & a BEST IN SHOW win!

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Ten Somalis attended the Asian Group Cat Society show, a great turn out, and a Somali then went on to take the Best in Show win!

Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH Harry Som de Kismayou, owned by Barbara Bullivant, won Best of Breed and went on to win Best of Variety SLH Adult (section2), then OVERALL BEST IN SHOW!

Baranchri Ind Ianna, owned and bred by Chris & Barbara Bullivant, won a Champion certificate

GRCH Astrokini Kalahari, owned & bred by Sandra Melia, won an Imperial certificate

Baranchri Fancy Free, owned by Sue Cooney & bred by Chris & Barbara Bullivant, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Tagher Noisette, owned by Chris & Barbara Bullivant & bred by Sue Cooney, won a second

Tagher Temptation, owned & bred by Sue Cooney, won a first and Best of Breed and Best of Variety SLH Kitten (section2)


CH Stacym Windsong, owned by Sue Cooney & bred by Kathy Hines, won a Premier certificate & Best of Breed

GRCH&GRPR Crrailiso Skyrocket, owned by Sandra Melia & bred by Alison Murray, won an Imperial certificate and Best of Breed and Best of Variety SLH Neuter (section2)

Baranchri Forbidden Fruit won a Premier certificate

Tajura Mousekateer Amadea, owned by Nadine Daniel & bred by Barbara Pointing, won a Premier certificate & Best of Breed

Wyvern show results 07/09/2019 and a Best of Variety win!

IMG 3172Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH I'Opale de la Cornaline, owned by Lorraine Burns, won Best of Breed and third in the Olympian

Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won first

Brizlincoat Kaleidoscope, owned by Emma Watts & bred by Di Taylor, won first

Supatoft Clemantine, owned by Di Taylor 7 bred by Brenda Horsley, won a Champion certificate and Best of Breed


Somantikks Abracadabra, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed

Brizlincoat Blue Star, owned 7 bred by Di Taylor, won a first and Best of Breed and also won Best of Variety SLH Kitten


CH&IGRPR Emanan Bootstrap Bill, owned & bred by Emma Watts, won an Olympian certificate and Best of Breed and also won Overall Best of Variety SLH

OGIGRCH&GRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won an Imperial certificate and Best of Breed

GRPR Emanan Magnum, owned & bred by Emma Watts, won reserve Imperial.

Results from the West of England & South Wales show 24/08/19

Congratulations to the following:


IGRCH I'Opale de la Cornaline, owned by Lorraine Burns, won Best of Breed


Somantikks Jorja Dreamin, owned & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a first and Best of Breed


Somantikks Oliver Twist, owned by Kat Kujawska & bred by Lorraine Burns, won a Grand Premier certificate and Best of Breed

OGIGRCH&GRPR Supatoft Somantix Tygalily, owned by Lorraine Burns & bred by Brenda Horsley, won an Imperial certificate and Best of Breed