The Somali Cat Club was formed in 1981 and has approximately 150 members.
The Club has as its aims:
- to safeguard the well-being of Somali cats and promote the purity of the breed
- to stimulate and encourage improvement in type and colour
- to work for a much wider appreciation of Somalis
- to provide information for members
- to guarantee classes and provide trophies at shows supported by the club
As a member of the club you will receive:
- Free annual Journal
- Special Classes at Championship Shows (where accepted)
- Reduced entry fees at the Somali Cat Club Championship Show
- Special rosettes for cats gaining titles
- Standard of Points, pedigree forms, stud lists, kitten notes, information leaflets - all at nominal prices
The Somali Cat Club has a Welfare & Rescue Service and will help any Somalis who have fallen on hard times.
Most years the Club holds a Seminar where judges, breeders and exhibitors gather together to discuss a particular aspect of Somalis, eg colour, type.
This is preceded by a lunch and is a good opportunity to meet and talk to others interested in the breed.
Our Annual General Meeting is usually held in the summer months. Once again this is very much a social as well as a business occasion. Every other year the club holds a seminar on Somali cats.
STOP PRESS - 2019 AGM & SEMINAR TO BE HELD 30 JUNE 2019 at Wythall Village Hall, Alcester Road, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JL at 1pm. This will be followed by a seminar covering the topics of silvers and ticking and Shorthaired Somalis compared with Longhaired Somalis. Lunch will be available prior to the AGM at 12.30pm. All members welcome but it would be helpful to inform the secretary, Di Taylor if you would like lunch or to bring a guest.
All comments/actions made by paid up members of the Somali Cat Club (including serving officers of the Club’s Committee), shall be deemed to be personal comments/actions of the individual(s) concerned, and no liability whatsoever will be accepted by the Club, its members or officers, unless such comments/actions are made by serving officers of the Committee, and are expressly stated (in writing) to be made on behalf of the Club.